Monday, September 30, 2013

This work weeks of  Sept. 30 2013 tells us what to expect!
 New Libra Moon!

Take your time to sort through choices as the Libra Sun contacts the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square on October 1 and 3! If you pay attention, the new Moon in Libra on October 4 will show you how to turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones! And when Saturn quincunxes Uranus on October 4, you'll find that the more adaptable you are, the better you'll do!

October 1: The Sun squares Pluto
October 3: The Sun opposes Uranus
As the Libra Sun connects to the Uranus-Pluto square, you're confronted by people and circumstances that cause you to take a step back and assess not only what you want, but who you hope to associate with. Take time to talk with people you know well and trust to help you sort it all out, for these challenges can help you in the long run. For now, be flexible and thoughtful as you consider all your options. You can control part of your destiny; other areas, though, are outside your control. Learn how to recognize one from the other so you can make decisions that will be most beneficial to you.

October 4: New Moon in Libra
Could you use a little peace and quiet? Usually the new Moon in Libra brings a desire to socialize as you work to build and strengthen your relationships. This year, however, the Libra new Moon receives challenging aspects. Leave plenty of room to make changes in your life as you let go of situations that aren't working out. Invest your energy in relationships you'd like to see become stronger and more important in your life. The power of the new Moon phase is in effect until the full Moon on October 18.

October 4: Saturn quincunxes Uranus
This is an aspect of adjustment, so don't be so wedded to the way things are that you're unable to adapt to changing circumstances. If you try to clamp down and control
events or people, your efforts will backfire; alternately, you'll find that you'll be most effective if you're simply realistic. Most of all, leave the past behind so you can embrace everything new coming into your life!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

September 22: The Sun enters Libra
Take advantage of the Sun's entrance into social Libra (an event that marks the Fall Equinox) -- this is a time to strengthen your personal and business connections. Next month, the Sun reaches the Uranus-Pluto square, when obstacles may well impede your progress. Libra is the sign that rules relationships, so those who know how to compromise are bound to enjoy the best results. It's time to put down your work and spend quality time with the people you love!

September 26: Venus trines Jupiter
Venus represents love, relationships, and money. During this trine to Jupiter in Cancer, influential people are eager to nurture you and your projects; this is also a great aspect for socializing as you advance your relationships. Just keep in mind that Venus in Scorpio wants to connect on a deep level, so lighthearted and superficial conversations won't get you anywhere. Be authentic, accessible, and open to receiving any support people are ready to give to you.

September 28: Venus squares Mars
This aspect is ready to energize your love life! Venus in Scorpio is very charismatic, while Mars in Leo knows how to make an impression. You may find yourself drawn to someone not normally your type; alternately, someone you've never noticed until now may try to get your attention. While this square brings plenty of interest, people may nevertheless feel a bit out of sync with one another ... so give others the benefit of the doubt until you figure out what you want.

September 29: Mercury enters Scorpio
Do you need to find something or uncover a secret? In this deep water sign, the communication planet, Mercury, gives you the power of concentration, as well as the ability to investigate or research anything your heart desires. This laser-like intensity can help you learn something; on the other hand, it can cause you to obsess over topics -- or even people -- best left alone. Because Mercury will be retrograde in Scorpio on October 21, this transit will last a long time (until December 4!). Check your chart to learn which house Mercury is traveling through so you can make the best possible decisions.

October 1: The Sun squares Pluto
October 3: The Sun opposes Uranus
As the Libra Sun connects to the Uranus-Pluto square, you're confronted by people and circumstances that cause you to take a step back and assess not only what you want, but who you hope to associate with. Take time to talk with people you know well and trust to help you sort it all out, for these challenges can help you in the long run. For now, be flexible and thoughtful as you consider all your options. You can control part of your destiny; other areas, though, are outside your control. Learn how to recognize one from the other so you can make decisions that will be most beneficial to you.

October 4: New Moon in Libra
Could you use a little peace and quiet? Usually the new Moon in Libra brings a desire to socialize as you work to build and strengthen your relationships. This year, however, the Libra new Moon receives challenging aspects. Leave plenty of room to make changes in your life as you let go of situations that aren't working out. Invest your energy in relationships you'd like to see become stronger and more important in your life. The power of the new Moon phase is in effect until the full Moon on October 18.

October 4: Saturn quincunxes Uranus
This is an aspect of adjustment, so don't be so wedded to the way things are that you're unable to adapt to changing circumstances. If you try to clamp down and control events or people, your efforts will backfire; alternately, you'll find that you'll be most effective if you're simply realistic. Most of all, leave the past behind so you can embrace everything new coming into your life! Enjoy the Sun's transit through Libra!

October 7: Venus enters Sagittarius
Are you feeling restless? Can you be close to someone and yet feel free at the same time? The love planet in this Fire sign reminds you that relationships often see improvement once they break out of old habits and routines. Find something new to do together; discover fresh places to go. If you're single and looking for your soul mate, this is a good time to get out and meet new people. Venus is in Sagittarius until November 5.

October 8: Mercury conjuncts Saturn
Because of Mercury's upcoming retrograde on October 21, Mercury joins Saturn in Scorpio three times this month and next: October 8, October 29, and November 25. This is an aspect that highlights planning, agreements, and contracts. You're serious now and eager to do something with your ideas, but take your time! You'll change your mind more than once as new information becomes available. If you don't rush, you'll have a solid, workable plan in place by the end of November. Until then, do your homework!

October 12: The Sun squares Jupiter
No matter how nice you are, if you don't connect with others emotionally, you'll find it difficult to be heard. The Sun in Libra is focused on fairness, relationships, and making sure everyone acts pleasantly. Jupiter in the Water sign of Cancer is interested in security, as well as protecting and nurturing loved ones. On the surface, it may seem as if Libra's and Cancer's respective needs aren't at odds with one another. However, Libra comes from the thinking Air element, while Cancer is a member of the emotional Water element. Have you ever reacted so quickly that you later wished you'd thought things through more carefully? This aspect demonstrates that social climates can be fueled by emotions, and that voices of reason and fairness can easily be drowned out by those who get their way only because of the strength of their feelings.

October 15: Mars enters Virgo
If you've been hoping to make more progress on certain goals, you'll be able to do it this month as Mars, the action planet, enters practical, efficient Virgo! Have you been thinking about exercising, changing your diet, or getting started on a home improvement project? Go for it! This transit gives you discipline and energy, which makes it easier to commit to plans or projects that require extra effort. If you know the houses energetic Mars will be traveling through in your birth chart, you'll be able to identify the area(s) of your life that will benefit from an investment of extra energy. Mars will be in Virgo until December 7.

October 18: Lunar eclipse in Aries
When the bold, impulsive, and fiery sign of Aries is highlighted by a lunar eclipse, you can expect a few sparks! Lunar eclipses occur at a full Moon -- extra-emotional times when people are prone to reacting quickly to circumstances before properly thinking things through. On the positive side, no sign is more courageous than Aries, so you're likely to have the necessary energy and passion to advocate for yourself (and others). The ongoing Uranus-Pluto square is present during this eclipse, demonstrating that world-changing events continue to capture everyone's attention. You'll do best if you simply ride the waves of change rather than try to swim against the current.

October 19: Mars opposes Neptune
This aspect describes a confusing environment, as well as encounters with people who aren't straightforward. Mars' opposition to Neptune can let you know that you need to become clearer about what you want to do -- and why. If you find yourself spinning your wheels, stop and regroup. Your projects and plans can wait a day while you figure things out.

October 21: Mercury turns retrograde
Are you ready to move on? Not so fast! As the communication planet goes retrograde in intense Scorpio, much of what you thought was complete still needs your attention. It's time to take care of unfinished business -- until you do, there'll be no moving forward! Make the most of this transit by returning to previous conversations and rechecking your plans. Fortunately, you have the savvy powers of a detective and can get to the bottom of almost anything! On the other hand, obsession is a hallmark of Mercury's retrograde movement in Scorpio. Figure out what you need to let go of so you don't become stuck in a situation that's not good for you. Mercury turns direct on November 10.

Enjoy the Sun's transit through Libra!



Tuesday, September 10, 2013

This week the stars can help you to know, what you care about the most! 

Yes, the moon on Sunday, co-joining the planet Venus in loving Libra, heightens, what we feel and care about! A week that makes you, feel, your true emotions!

 Perhaps giving you the push towards getting your heart's desire that you have been looking for?

 Sunday also can be a day of winding up trends that started back in Aug.18, 2013, when the planet of communication began its cycle in Virgo. That is the sign, that is extra detailed, with communication, helping to dig out facts, that are practical, that need attention, and learn from them.

What is it that you have been so busy with? That trend changes by Monday, Sept 9, with Mercury's change into Libra, which brings your thoughts and communications more linked with your feelings and your money. Mercury will give that trend until it enters Scorpio on Sept 29.

Tuesday, Sept 10, the planet of love Venus will wind down things in your emotional life too. As it completes it cycle, entering intense Scorpio, on Wednesday Sept.10. A Scorpio Venus will be leading our emotions and our pocket book, through Oct. 7, 2013

Wednesday, is also my pick of the week as best day to get things done, and be productive. A Sagittarius moon helps you to be lucky, spiritual, and positive, as it trines Mars and Uranus

Thursday Sept 12, can be active, however guard your tendency to be picky and protective . It is your ego, that might be working overtime.

Friday Sept, 13. Who's afraid of the silly Friday the 13 superstitions? Your day might have a few surprises, with the Capricorn moon, Friday night. Just slow down, and try to stay flexible to stay safe, and happy.

 And Saturday's Capricorn moon, in positive aspect to our Virgo Sun, can make your day very productive! Enjoy! A good weekend day to catch up on all those chores you have been putting off.