Sunday, December 18, 2016

"It Is In The Stars",
by Valerie Greene

Are you ready? The planet Mercury goes retrograde again!

Hope you have made all your holiday decisions by now?

 Because tomorrow morning, Dec.19, 2016 at 5:55 AM, EST, the planet that rules communication, travel and our thoughts, (including the daily decisions we make) changes its direction, snarling your day! That can stay with you leading to confusion for the next 3 weeks? Mercury will go direct on Jan. 8, 2017 at 4:42 AM EST.

Also, on DEC. 19 early morning, the planet that rules our energy and passion will be impacted. As Mars enters the intuitive sensitive water sign of Pisces! That can bring changes in your general direction, that is connected to where you direct our passions. The planet Mars will be in Pisces, until Jan 27, 2017.

The Water, and Earth signs, of Pisces, Cancer,  Scorpio,) (Water) Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn, (Earth) will be effected, by the help of a Pisces Mars the most! Bringing more momentum into their daily lives, with a new  found energy, directed towards their most sought after desires, and more purposeful general daily energy. Nice!

The Fire signs of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius will find the impact of a slower daily pace, from our new placement of Mars in Pisces.

And the Air signs of Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra, should expect some frustration. With now feeling a bit stalled from newly found challenges, that keep them feeling held back! Patience!
Your momentum will pick up after Jan. 27, 2017!



Sunday, November 13, 2016

"It Is In The stars" By Valerie Greene
Lots of change in our Stars...bringing some interesting new trends for you!
First...the planet that rules our love-ties and money Venus, entered into the more conservative Saturn ruled sign, of Capricorn on Nov. 11, at 11: 54 PM, EST
That change in sign, for Venus from outgoing truthful Sagittarius, into Capricorn, will put a more thoughtful prudent attitude into our emotional, financial lives. Being with us through Thanksgiving, until DEC. 7. 2016.
Second... for new trends, the planet of communication Mercury entered the out gong Jupiter ruled sign of Sagittarius on Nov. 12, 2016, at 9:39 AM.
 This change for Mercury, from secretive Scorpio into truthful out spoken Sagittarius will be noticeable in how we speak and think. And will be helping us all to be more positive, and in general more outgoing, and active, through DEC. 2, 2016.
Third...A very large and influential  super moon. Happening on Nov. 14, 2016... being at its fullest at 8:52 AM, EST and effecting our whole day.
 This Super Moon will actually be the closest the moon will be to the Earth until 2034!
And it being in earth loving Taurus gives an extra love Energy...that will help us to feel more loving with a extra desire to heal and mend troubled relationships!

Monday, October 17, 2016

 "It Is In The Stars "
By Valerie Greene

Feeling held back with your emotions and your natural optimism at a big private, inner low?

Well, I have good news! What a difference a day can make!

Tomorrow Oct. 18, 2016, at 3:01 AM  the planet that rules the nicer things in life, "Venus"... enters into the optimistic lucky sign of Sagittarius. And will be with us until  DEC. 7, 2016.

 This New Sagittarius Venus is so completely different in style and influence than what we have been dealing with the last  24 days with Venus in deep, sensitive, secretive, unyielding, water sign, Scorpio! 

 So all signs should feel a new sublet lift from the Fire element, of Sagittarius... making life feel more out going and fun! With more attention towards inspiration, helping us to see more of our blessings, instead of all our aggravations and disappointments!

Now that is good news!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

"It's In the Stars", by Valerie Greene

Wow... As the planet Mercury begins its normal forward direction, on Sept. 22, 2016 at 1:30 AM, EDT. It looks like the planets will have us on a bit of a roller coaster ride for the next few days!
You see the Sun, just entering Libra, is also happening on Sept 22, at 10:21 AM, EDT! 
 Giving us our first official day of fall, called "Autumnal Equinox"! Those two very important happenings, set cycles that will be with us for awhile. And would be enough to shake things up a bit.
 But the very next day, on Sept 23, at 10:51 AM EDT the planet of love, that also rules our finances, Venus, will begin its yearly trek in the sign of Scorpio! 
 Then just three days latter, on Sept 26, the heavy disruptive planet Pluto, will go direct again, at 11:02 AM EDT after back tracking since April 13, 2016.
Adding more change to this Astrological brew! The slower moving planet of energy and passion, Mars, will enter the sober sign Capricorn the next day,  on Sept 27, at 4:07 AM.EDT!
 Oh my! I know you must be thinking? what does all this mean to me? How to cope? And what to watch out for?
First off, remember that when the planet Mercury first changes direction, going direct or retrograding it is the most disruptive. So use extra patience when dealing with communication, or traveling! And if you can, do not make any important decisions or signing of important papers...
Second: The season of Fall begins....with a Gemini moon, also giving another tie to communication glitches. Guard against getting pulled into arguments! True for all signs to be careful of, but most significant to the
 signs of Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, and Virgo to keep in mind.
Third: Venus newly into Scorpio? Begins with a harmonist trine to the moon that day! Helping the water signs to have new romantic and financial opportunities, until Oct. 17, They are the signs of Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces.
Fourth! Pluto direct...brings things to the surface at last that have been brewing and on hold! The first few days of Pluto moving forward, will be news worthy for sure! With a few surprises?
 Lastly...the fifth Astro change in 6 days....
The planet Mars changing signs into Capricorn?
Not easy time to avoid arguments and accidents for the first few days of its cycle.
 Slow down and think! Mars in cool Capricorn will tangle with the Sun in peace loving Libra! Leading to bruised egos and fool hardy behavior that can bring violence. keep safety in mind, do not get baited into arguments.
True for all sun signs but most important for the signs of Aries, Libra, and Cancer to remember!
Yes, an Astrological roller coaster few days! But for warned is for armed! Now you will have a heads up, to make it an easy ride after all!
Happy safe Autumn, everyone!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

"It is in the Stars", by Valerie Greene

Feeling a bit aggravated as you find yourself doing many do overs?

Yes, it is in the Stars! As the planet Mercury today, Aug. 30, 2016, went retrograde again, at 9:04 a.m. EDT.

This cycle that happens about three times a year, can be trying?

 It gives us those do overs, because Mercury, rules our thoughts, including the decisions that come from them. And all our working, and the running of our machinery!

Like the family car? Or those important appliances  that have been showing signs of wear? Therefore, when Mercury retrogrades it brings those areas of life that are breaking down, or past mistakes to our immediate attention!

 Like it or not, Mercury in retrograde has its value.

 Even though it does cause a lot of confusion, changing of your mind, and aggravating mistakes with any kind of communicating? Yes, effecting your day and your important work life!

Mercury will be in retrograde until it gets backs to its normal direction on Sept 22, at 1:30 AM. And then continue its Virgo influence until Mercury will enter, Libra, on Oct 7, 2016, at 3:55 AM.

However, its influence is always the most intense the first few days as it changes signs, or goes back to its normal direction.

And that would be Today, through Friday, Sept 2, 2016... and again as Mercury goes direct again, Sept 22..thru Sept 25.

How to cope? Guard your decisions. Try not to make any important ones, at this time! And avoid making any plans that must happen, because Mercury in retrograde changes many things, including your mind!

Now about the good of a Mercury in retrograde?

As I said before, it help us to at last take care of those issues that need our attention.

 And it also helps us to go back in time to rethink old ideas. Including the nice effect of reconnecting  to old friends!

 Which can seem to come out of the blue? Like running into an old friend? Or a sudden desire to connect to an old friend, to clear up any hurt feeling? And then the nice effect renewing old friendships? Or love ties?

So yes, we are in for a three week period of rethinking and confusion when trying to make our daily plans?

 But on the plus side, a three week cycle of the chance to put back together, what was lost, or not handled properly, from our past! Nice!  Try to Make it work for you!

Friday, July 29, 2016

It Is In The Stars
by, Valerie Greene
Feeling a bit edgy lately? There is a reason! Yes it is in the Stars! All starting today!
 Firstly, as I write this, July 29, 2016, the planet that rules innovation, and freedom Uranus, has come to a stand still as it prepares to retrograde, tonight at 5:06 PM EDT.
And because that is the Star of the unexpected, it is likely to bring some frayed nerves, and unexpected disturbances, giving you that edgy feeling! Along with unsettled annoyances, into your day and evening? No matter what your sign.
Also the planet of communication Mercury is completing its yearly stay in Leo today...Setting a new trend in the way we receive our thoughts and how we share them. Giving us a more practical thought approach when Mercury enters Virgo, tomorrow, July 30, 2016, at 2:18 PM EDT 
All signs will start to be more thoughtful when getting their thoughts and plans across to others. Effecting us from the practical earth Virgo influence, from July 30, until Oct. 7, 2016.
That is a longer than usual stay for the planet Mercury to be in its on sign of Virgo! Why? Because Mercury will again turn retrograde, on Aug. 30, 2016 at 9:04 AM. until it get backs to its normal direction on Sept 22, at 1:30 AM. And then continue its Virgo influence  until Mercury will enter Libra, on Oct 7, 2016, at 3:55 AM.
Wow, you can see and feel change in the Astrological brew!
But there is more, coming soon, too!
On Aug. 2, at 1:49 PM our planet of energy and passion Mars, will enter the fire sign of Sagittarius! Which will change how we use and direct our passions! Mars stays in Sagittarius until Nov. 9, 2016, at 12:51 AM, when Mars, then will enter the Liberating sign of Aquarius!
 Interesting that it will be in that sign, of independence... for the tallying and completion of our political race for a new president of our beloved united States?
Also, on Aug. 2, 2016 at 4:44 PM, EDT we will have the benefit of a new Leo, moon. That is the time each month when we set in motion patters that will increase through the whole month
 So try to stay as flexible as possible, and use your more detailed self to prepare for a busy fruitful Aug. and Sept.
 Particularly if yours is a earth or water sign?  Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus? Earth! Or Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio? Water! Think long term towards expansion to what you want to improve and gain from all month.
Yes, I would say we are in for a  pretty significant astrological few days!
 Try to work hard, at making them good ones!

Monday, July 11, 2016

It Is In The Stars
By astrologer, Valerie Greene

Changes in sign for the planets Venus, and Mercury, can heat things up making an impact on the rest of your summer!

 Yes! The Planet of love Venus will change signs into the sign of Leo, July 12, 2016 at 1:34 a.m. EDT.

And the planet of communication, Mercury, also entering the sign of Leo, on July 13, 2016 at 8:47 p.m.

Leo, is a fixed Fire sign! So when planets move into it, the effect can stir up activity that is more assertive, active, and fiery!

Especially igniting all fire signs, Leo, Aries, Sagittarius... but also uplifting the air signs, Aquarius, Gemini, Libra. 

However, all signs will notice a tendency for more prideful activity in our daily lives! Nice!

 Leo is a summer sign and it denotes, sunshine, leadership, and a desire to control!

Therefore, don't be surprised if you now want to suddenly climb out of your shell no matter what your sign!

 This new trend can also complicate your life?  Venus, and Mercury with us, in Leo, through July...  can now, make you more stubborn! Bringing troubles that are tied to your ego?

So guard your foolish pride when trying to control all those you love, your $, and how you communicate in those areas!

 This warning is particular important for the signs of Taurus, and Scorpio, to keep in mind!

 But all signs will benefit more from this more fiery trend, if they can tread carefully, without Ego!

Adding more Fire, into the mix will happen, July 22,! As the Sun takes  up its yearly stay in Leo, at  5:30 a.m. EDT 

  Another influence to make us want to be more active that will be with us until Aug. 21.

Quite a change from all those water signs that have been active in our daily lives that last 3 weeks! Which have been giving us more home, involvement, and feeling extra sensitive!

Add the fact that the plant Mars, that rules passions in Scorpio, has been with us off and on, since the first of our new year!

 A stay for Mars, much longer than usual!  Bringing, what we have seen... as many disturbing events, created by passions!

 Igniting, many evil passions that were most unfortunate and disturbing! Including around our police force!

The good news is... that trend of the use of negative anger  with such evil passion, will end when Mars changes signs and enters Sagittarius on Aug. 2, 2016 ! A big relief!

Friday, May 20, 2016

"It Is In The Stars" By Valerie Greene
Good News!
Yes it is True! The planet Mercury, will once again be back in its normal forward motion very soon. In fact, on Sunday, May 22, 2016 at 9:19 a.m. EDT.
 Just keep in mind in order to be into completely new forward motion in your life we need to have the planet Mercury, move past the degree it first changed direction in. And that will not happen until June 8, 2016
In the mean, there are  two other significant aspects that will have their effect on us! And the fist one Happened today! Yes,  Friday May 20, 2016 at 10: 36 A.M. the Sun entered the Air sign of Gemini!
 Happy Birthday Gemini! Yours is the sign of late spring! A time of year that increases our desire to communicate and be out and about. That will be with us until the first day of Summer, which begins, June 20, at 6:34 P.M. when the Sun will enter, the sign of Cancer!
The second aspect that we will be shedding its influence on us, is a Full Sagittarius moon! Happening tomorrow early evening,  Saturday, May 21, 2016, at 5:14 P.M. 
This Full moon ruled by Jupiter, can tend to make you overdo! Guard against unnecessary extravagant's and carelessness that could cause a fire!
All signs should be careful of overindulgence on Saturday eve! But that is partially good advice for the signs of, Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces !

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

 It Is In The Stars! By Valerie Greene
Are you ready?  Soon it will be, what I call "double trouble time", again!

 Yes, the planet Mercury is slowing down getting ready to go retrograde! When will it start this backward track again?

 April 28, 2016 at 1:20 p.m. EDT

Does the planet Mercury's motion in space really go backwards? No! But to our earth's view, of Mercury's motion it does! Effecting our earth communications! All forms of travel. Moving machine parts. And our common thought process.(Thinking) Bringing those areas of our life, into a challenging focus, with Mercury retrograde about three times a year?

Why does this happen? What would be the positive of Mercury being retrograde? And why do I call it, "the time of double trouble"?

My belief is, that it purpose being retrograde three times in a year, is to help us go back in areas of our life that we have left unfinished. That is why appliances that have been neglected or not repaired correctly will fail during retrograde. Along with why the poorly made communications and decisions will come back to hunt us. And also why many old friendship can seem to come out of the blue and be restored. All of that though somewhat aggravating, it gives us a chance to set things straight! 

On the negative double trouble? I call it that, because where Mercury rules our thoughts and how we communicate them! As it changes direction from our earth's view. It seems to make us more absent minded, confused, with bad judgment, clogging up our highways, both on the roads and with our daily work, and business. Which makes for many do overs! Including why you may feel that you suddenly need to give everything involving communication, or travel plans, a second try? And even small decisions,  doing them over, and over again? 

So yes, it can be a trying aggravating about three week span? With some nice surprises thrown in. 

However, the most important advice that I can give you, from April 28,  to May, 21, would be to put off any major decisions if you can? Because planet Mercury retrograde, is very likely going to mess things up enough, that you will indeed, need to change your mind! 

 Then, Yay, on May 22, 2016, at 9:19 a.m. Mercury will again start its normal forward motion.

 But keep in mind it takes a few days for its new direction to settle us all down to our own normal pace. And not into a complete forward new direction for us all... until June, 7, 2016. So be patient!

And in the mean time, try to use this time to go back in areas of your life that was left unfinished, making the most of what Mercury in retrograde has to offer!

That is true for all sun signs, bust most importantly for the sign of Taurus!

As Mercury has been in Taurus, and then being retrograde in that sign, will have a longer stay, than usual! Effecting, that sign in a greater way, from April, 6 through June 12.

If your sign is Taurus, try to Enjoy, and make the most of it!


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

It is the Stars, by Valerie Greene

Two important planetary changes are sure to liven up your spring!

Yes, April 5, 2016, the Planet Venus entered the Fire sign of Aries, at 12:50 p.m. EDT And at 7:09 PM EDT also on April 5, 2016, the Planet Mercury, entered the Earth sign, Taurus!

What that can mean, to you, is how Venus now in Aries, that rules your love life & money, and Mercury, now in Taurus, that rules your thoughts, and communication, get along with your Sun sign?

 This new placement for Venus, will give the Fire signs of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, the most momentum, gaining help  around their finances, and emotional life! With the Air signs too, having more opportunity and ease, in the area of the pleasures that we enjoy, and desire in life! They are the signs of, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.

And those who were born in the Earth signs, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, will gain, in all those communication needs! Including being more active with their day to day activities!

 Mercury in Taurus now is also good news, for those born under Water signs! Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio, can at last see progress in long sought after goals, as a favorable earth Mercury can bring real concrete progress in getting those annoying communication details attended to.

 However, Aquarius, and Leo...would be wise to take their time with all matters of communications ...being aware that a Taurus Mercury can bring, out your stubborn side! Slow down and think before you make promises that you cannot keep! 

  And the signs of Capricorn, and Cancer,  need to be extra careful around their emotions...Venus now in Aries will test you, around your most important relationships, and your financial decisions.

Yes these planets will liven up our spring...with Venus being in Aries until April 29. And Mercury, will be in the sign of Taurus until June 12!

 Heads up everybody...look for change! Make it Good ones! A new moon sets your trends, April 7, 2016 at 7:24 AM ! 

Saturday, March 19, 2016

It is in the stars, by Valerie Greene
Yes, tonight just after midnight, on March 20, 2016, we in our area of EDT celebrate, Earth's New Year, 2016, Spring Birthday!
 Astrology teaches...what we Plant in the Season of Spring...we cultivate all Summer. And then in the Season of Fall we reap all of what was planted and cultivated...during those months. Then the Season of Winter we sleep, resting to be ready for the Earth's new year! 
Which is now...thru next winter! Each of us...will have aspects on our birth Sun signs...that I have looked at and made a chart for! Giving each sign, a short heads up for all 12 signs....hope you find a hint that will be helpful for your, New Earth Birthday, Spring! They are as follows.....
Aries...behind the scenes communicating will be your trend more than usual the remainder of this year. Look for help and possible annoyances coming thru others. Unexpected happy expansion of family! New, house, baby, wedding?
Taurus...working at new goals prove successful! Gains with Job, education, health... Lucky Jupiter is with you to improve all your skills, and adds to your spiritual knowledge. Far away places and higher education beckon. and working close with another, highlight this year. Feeling pulled through others too cannot be avoided. Careful communication is the key to avoid problems. And not making promises that you will not be able to keep important to remember!
Cancer concerns are likely without careful planning. Expenditures around family come unexpectedly, Stay with the facts and do your home work, when dealing with legal issues. Don't be penny wise and pound foolish. Extra patience with work and health problems, will pay off!
Leo...Emotions run high this new spring year. It begins with the moon in your sign. Binging unexpected expansion around your family or recognition that is promotes you into a new career title, relationship, or job advancement! dealings from the past will now need to be reckoned with. Family and home matters change, requiring your extra time and attention. Jupiter in your sign helps you to see an important truth! A lower energy, signals health issues that you have been ignoring!
Libra... Suddenly you find yourself spending money! Your judgement around your financial, and emotional life, needs to be more prudent ! Slow down and think, before you get off course? Communication around old alliances can be lucky. Don't be greedy and overdo a good thing!
Scorpio...your going find yourself, more  on the go than usual! And that busy schedule  is a hidden plus...keeping you from acting out about all of  those inner feelings of frustration! Your time of feeling held back from positive opportunities, is coming to a close. Luck comes to you from expanding your knowledge, and family ties! plays a huge role, as you face a mountain off self doubt and struggle. Old legal problems, or health concerns need to be handled. Pay professionals, their expert help is worth the price. Stand your ground, and take your time! This is not a time of instant success...but hard work now puts down a firm foundation for your future!
Capricorn...a new you is trying to emerge! Change is necessary, and it is good in the long road ahead.
 Lucky Jupiter, brings the new into your life, around family, career, and travel. Attention to detail when making financial decisions would be wise. Check the details, to avoid being fooled. Something is not as it appears!
Aquarius....Nagging self doubts are asking you to use your intuition, and creativity. All those talents that are unexpressed are needing an outlet. Partners play an important role in bringing you a new perspective. 
Old alliances are renewed that prove very valuable, for your future!
Pisces... Expect that you will be more in the spot light than usual. Communication with others will be key. A lucky hunch pays off! New partnerships and friends come out of the blue. Go with the offers you get for fun...our intuition can pay off big! Those in power will listen helping you towards your future goals, So Speak up!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

News! Two important Astrological, change in sign, for the planets, Mercury, and Mars!

Astrology by Valerie Greene

  These new positions, and signs for Mars, and Mercury, will help all of us, to bring change in how we think,  communicate, and how we express our daily, energy, passions!   

 Yes, Mercury, the Planet of thought entered Pisces, March 5, at 5:23 AM EST!

 And Mars, the Planet of energy, newly entered the sign of

 Sagittarius, also on March 5, that evening, at 9:29 PM EST.

Pisces, is a sensitive, intuitive, water sign. Now with that Mercury influence, we are likely to be much more inward in our thoughts! Making us all a little more introspective, along with increasing our imagination and desire to help the underdog!

 Water, and Earth signs, will be being given the biggest boost from this new, Pisces, Mercury!  

They are: The signs of, Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio.(water)

 Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. (earth) 

However, those born under Gemini, Sagittarius, are the signs that now may suddenly require a little more patience and alone time?

It will be the signs, Libra, Aries, Aquarius, and Leo, that will be helped the most, by the extra push of our new fire energy!

 That is now due, to the Planet Mars, newly into the optimistic, lucky, Fire sign, Sagittarius!

 Those are the signs, that can gain the most momentum toward what they are wanting to accomplish this soon to be... Spring season!

Also, making our whole entire work week quite significant!

 Is the influence coming from a New Moon, total Solar Eclipse, Tuesday, March 8, at 8:54 PM.

Whew..a lot of possibilities for change this week!

Just keep in mind, what we set in motion on a new moon day, seems to expand all month?

 So try hard to make  your Tuesday eve. and Wednesday all day, an extra special good one! Happy New trends everyone!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Another full moon is reigning over our Monday, and start to our work week.
by Astrologer Valerie Greene
 Yes, at 1:20 PM EST on Monday Feb. 22, 2016, the moon is at its fullest, again!
 But this time in Virgo, pulling on the Sun, that has just recently entered the sensitive water sign of Pisces!
How that might effect your day, is determined by your own sun sign, and how good you are at keeping your emotions under control?
 Most everyone has experienced or notice that emotion is a little more intense whenever the moon is full?
 Hospitals, and police record show an increase for accidents and strange behavior!  And yes, it is true that some Full Moons seem to have a greater impact on us then others? 
 As you know...the coming in and going out of our Ocean tide is controlled by the moon. That shows us how great the magnetic pull of the moon is on water? And Even greater when the moon is at its fullest! 
And knowing that the human body is on average, of an adult human being, 60% water, and more like, 75%, for an infant?
 Doesn't it make sense that the water in our bodies would also have a magnetic pull on it, when the moon is full?
Especially, where most of the water in the human body is contained inside our cells. That is the very fiber of our being! Which would react on us internally, even though we do not notice any change.
Also, all our vital organs contain different amounts of water: the brain, the lungs, the heart, the liver and the kidneys contain a large quantity of water – between 65 to 85% depending on the organ..and yes while bones contain less water... (but still have a 31%!).
So, now with that in mind, what signs, will this full moon, be the ones most effected? You guessed it! The water signs! Starting with the first! Pisces...then Cancer, then Scorpio.
However this full moon is in the sign of Virgo! Putting it in the big pull brew, too! Because it takes the moon in opposition to the sun, to produce a full moon.
 Therefore, Virgos need to be extra aware, that events on Monday, can get out of hand!  Their warning is...slow down, guard temper, and your ego!
Also, the sign of Sagittarius, and Gemini, would be wise to heed that advice! Because a negative aspect from the sun and moon to your sign, could bring you an unyielding attitude on Monday, putting your position and jobs in jeopardy! Try diplomacy!
  Aries, Libra, Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, Capricorn,? You also need to practice extra Patience on Monday. Try to remember, those full moon aggravations will be out there, and for you, they are coming through others! Like it or not?  
 So slow down, count to ten, and be the peace maker!
 And good for all sun signs to remember? Is... that the full moon's pull, does best for us in pulling at our need for partnership!
 It is a time every month best spent with a sweetheart! So don't spend it alone!
 Shine on full moon, Monday night! Lets all try to enjoy it!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Happy Birthday to those born under the sign of Pisces!
by Valerie Greene 

Today, Feb 19, 2016, at 12: 34 AM EST, the Sun entered your sign! Being the last sign of winter, it will be with us until the first day of spring! March 20, 12:30 AM

 Pisces, is a sensitive water sign, ruled by the mysterious planet Neptune. Which will now shed its influence on all of us helping us to be more intuitive, and imaginative, in dealing with others. Especially impacting our work lives, for the next 30 days.

 However, those born under the sign of Pisces, and the other water signs of Cancer, and Scorpio, can be helped the most, around their careers. Giving those signs a positive, 30 day cycle of time, that can gain them more recognition, and progress toward their important long term goals.

The earth signs too, Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn will get a needed push towards being more productive. With new opportunities more possible than they have been, during this Pisces, cycle.  

But those born under the signs Gemini, and Sagittarius, are just the opposite!

 This cycle for them can slow things down. The next three to four weeks they need to be extra patient around their career...not letting a bad, or sad, mood destroy even small gains, that could get a big boost, in spring!

If you are a Leo, or an Aquarian, progress made from the last month is still there.  Just don't spoil it by being overly sensitive, and fixed in your opinions.

And finally,  if you are an Aries, or a Libra? Patience!

 This is now a waiting in the background, time period! Yours for observing, and making those exciting fun plans that you will do in spring! Yes, a quiet slower cycle as you prepare for the blossoming that is just 30 days away. Spring! Your best time of year! 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Stars bring a new approach towards those pleasures in life!
by Astrologer Valerie Greene
The planet of love and fiances... Venus, breezed into Aquarius last night at 11:17 PM EST Feb. 16, 2016.
That change in sign for Venus is important... as it will now be bringing us all, some new emotional or financial dealings until March 11, 2016.
With some signs feeling a better impact from it than others.
Those born under... the signs of, Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra, can find extra help in their careers and life position.
 With the Fire signs too getting a helpful push in those areas of life!
The water and earth signs of, Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, (Water) Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus, (Earth)...will experience change too in the areas of their love life, and their money...
But, they will experience those needed changes in a more up-hill struggling, to get them done, way!
However, all Sun signs can now benefit from both planets Venus, and Mercury, that are now the very creative sign of Aquarius!

Helping us all... towards needed innovation in our daily lives... increasing our chances at becoming unstuck from those winter blahs! Enjoy!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Have you been feeling like Mercury is still in retrograde as you find yourself with many do overs? Even with the weather patten lately?


Well, I have good, news!


 On Feb. 13, 2016, at 5:56 PM, Mercury, will at last be moving into Aquarius again, where it was last Jan. 6, 2016 when it first started going retrograde...


and that will at last put us all heading into a more direct forward motion too.


It is true, that Mercury went direct a few weeks ago, on Jan. 25, in the sign of Capricorn.  But it needed to get back to where it began when it first changed direction into Aquarius... to lighten our thoughts, and help us all to now move towards smoothing out some of this past months aggravating happenings....bringing new ways of thinking! And into new territory.


Aquarius is an Air sign and acts on our minds in a much different way than earth serious Capricorn Mercury now can be very helpful in giving the us desire to be breaking any boring routine that could have been holding us back this last month.


 This will be especially true for the Air and fire signs...of Aquarius, Libra, Gemini, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius! As those signs need the Air to spark them into action!


 However,  the good news for all signs is... Mercury now in Aquarius ...brings with it... innovation and new trends that will lead us all into wanting to be more out going  enthusiastic, and social! And at last stopping those annoying delays and do-overs!

 To me? That is Good News!


Saturday, February 6, 2016

Almost New moon time again! 
But first we need to get past this weekend!
 by Astrologer Valerie Greene 
The Stars are in... A rare alignment of planets not seen for 10 years, has been with us since Jan 20, 2016, continues...but this time period now, it's effecting us with a direct Mercury!.Yes, the planet  Mercury, that is recently out of retrograde, is still in the sign of Capricorn! Add the planet of love Venus...with the disruptive planet Pluto, that are now both in Capricorn too...and that is likely all by its self, to bring some emotional disruptions...because those three astral bodies in close degree called a conjunction, ignite and work off each other!  In turn giving us the tendency to have lots of restrictions and even possible emotional or financial upheaval? However, making things even worse for this time period, is the fact, that the planet that rules, freedom, surprise, and out of the norm happenings, Uranus, is now in impatient Aries!Making a very negative aspect to that three way Capricorn conjunction! And in turn, intensifying all those negative, unexpected, restrictive, traits! Whew! What an astrological brew to deal with over this weekend that includes the Super Bowl! How to cope! First... be aware that a waning moon, also in Capricorn, all day on Saturday, Jan. 6, can put you into a bad mood! Adding that bad mood with that grouping of astral  unexpected tendency's, and your mood can get out of hand! So easy does it in all your activities please! All day on Saturday!
Then Sunday Super Bowel day..  the early morning change of the moon, entering Aquarius makes us want to break from routine, again increasing impulsivity. That can bring sudden unexpected annoyances... and some Super Bowel surprises,Feb. 7, is also expected to be the best day for viewing our solar system's closest planet to the sun. Weather permitting? Just remember If you're struggling to find the planets, try locating the Moon first. All five planets will align along the same path that the moon travels through. But all in all...these astral happenings over the weekend are Preparing us for the New moon on Monday Feb 8,  2016, at 9:39 a.m. EST. Remember... that is the time period each month that we set a trend that will be with us for the next 30 days! So try extra hard to leave your weekend aggravations behind, and start your New Monday morning moon day, they way you want your whole next 4 week to go! Patience...and positive thinking is the key! 

Friday, January 22, 2016

Full moon time again! Can you feel it?
Blame It in The Stars , by Astrologer Valerie Greene
Yes, at 8:46 PM EST, Jan. 23, 2016, the moon will be in exact opposition to the sun... which causes the full moon! 
This one being in bold Leo... pulling on the desire for innovations and freedom sun, now in Aquarius!
This can give us an emotional ride! Which in turn... can lead you towards some emotional reassessments! Including those that may seem to be impulsive, causing the unexpected!
However, ones that can be transforming, and good for a more realistic future! 
As I am sure you have noticed when the moon is full, people seem to be more emotional? However, some of them have a greater impact in our lives, than others. And yes, this Full moon's potential, can be that!
Many of us will experience this one, through out of the norm, weather! Making travel plans difficult, or... for just getting about  in general, needing to change our previously desired social plans.
Others, that are not in a bad weather pattern are likely to deal with more personal issues... those that are likely to include our egos, and who we feel has the most control of our days activities, and lives?
Also, change of  sign, for  planet Venus, newly into Capricorn, along with our pending direct orb for the planet Mercury, that will go direct on Monday, Jan. 25, complicates the effect of this full moon phase. Why? Because as Mercury starts forward in motion it will be in conjunction to the Planet of change, and upheaval Pluto! All three planets in restrictive Capricorn, on Monday! That is why, your full moon effect could include aggravations that have a tie to Monday...that  might bring unexpected emotional and financial change!
How to cope? Firstly slow down... give in to those intuitions  that are telling you to hold your temper! Try to avoid others too who seem to want to pull you into their problems, and arguments!
 Look for the long road ahead...not the instant now. Because Capricorn's ruler is serious Saturn, and that planet is the one that holds us to being conservative and cautious, for long term gain!
Most important be aware that the next few days will require more patience, and all those annoying delays have a necessary purpose! 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Blame it on the Stars,
by Valerie Greene
Are you ready? The Sun's cycle again enters innovating Aquarius, on Jan. 20, 2016 at 10:27 A.M. EST.
So, Happy Birthday Aquarius! You will be celebrating your birthday sometime in the next 30 days!
 But this change in position for the Sun brings in a new trend around everyone's Egos too!
 The Sun is the area that connects us to how we see ourselves, and the position in life that we are recognized for.
 The sign of Aquarius, is the most unique sign of all that it gives off a lofty do your own and let live attitude! Always wanting to rise above the norm... not afraid of being their own person, and having an independent style.
Now helping all signs this time of year, to want to express some of that extra desire to live and let live attitude as well. Nice!
Therefore, do not be surprised if your attitude in general is less involved with status and conformity. Helping our general moods towards finding new ways of doing things and how we react to our now, position in life? Whatever position you are now holding at this time?
 Other Air signs, of Gemini, and Libra, especially will get an extra lift, now too from the Aquarius sun for the next 30 days.
  Along with the Fire signs,  that will tend, to  be suddenly invigorated with more momentum in their lives also! They are the sign of, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
The Earth, and Water, signs?
 Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer,and Scorpio?
  Yes, you too will want to break free from some of that rigid control that you have been experiencing lately.
 However,  the changes that will be presented to you this month, will be through those choices that you make... that will require extra effort from you! "If" they can be helpfully implanted into your life? You hold the key!
All helpful to know...that a new trend helps us all to want to kick up our heels a little, and look for the new! 
 Remember Aquarius is an Air sign. So lets all open the windows of our minds, and hearts, and take a New and uplifting Breath of Fresh Air, no matter what the weather? Think new...  


Saturday, January 16, 2016

An interesting look at this month's First Quarter moon !

A First Quarter of Dramatic Realizations and Creative Resolutions
Posted on January 16, 2016 in Configurations
By Henry Seltzer for Astrograph Astrology

Saturday's First Quarter Moon in late Aries has much to offer, as we arrive at a crucial moment in this January lunation cycle, in the very heart of this current Mercury Retrograde period. Regarding the latter, which has characterized January's Capricorn cycle, we have in these last few days come past the point of the Sun's conjunction with Mercury, one peak moment of the retrograde period, and we are now heading for another, in Mercury's January 25th station to direct motion. This will represent one further stage in our inward-leaning journey of meditative reflection on who we are and where we are truly headed; and to what end. As Mercury straightens out, eventually regaining the sign of Aquarius, by mid-February, we will be in a better position to move forward, with  Mercury's January 25th station occurs in close conjunction with Pluto, at 15 Capricorn, which could prove to be quite significant as we further assess the massive transformation that we are all in the midst of. We are in a process now, as unnecessary aspects of our lives fall away, of seeing more deeply into changes in life direction; entirely appropriate to the season in which we find ourselves. 

This is in part as a practical response to recent realizations, and to a time of sensing into an expanded vision, heading into the relatively unknown territory of another year on planet earth. At the moment of this weekend's somewhat difficult quarter 
Moon, we might also more clearly recognize the obstacles to what we are idealistically attempting. The Sun and Pluto are also separated now by about eleven degrees, therefore still in a wide conjunction, with Mercury traveling at a degree that is quite close to their mathematical midpoint. The timing of this interesting lunar phase is therefore very relevant to our exploration of where we are in our evolutionary journey, how far we have come and how far there still remains for us to go.

Kicked off by the quarter moon of a somewhat dicey weekend, this latter half of January also features the optimistic energy symbolized by 
Jupiter's expansive archetype. Jupiter is prominent in this configuration due to being in close conjunction with the lunar North Node, square Venus, inconjunct the Moon and Eris in conjunction, and in close trine to the SunMercury midpoint in Capricorn. This powerfully future-oriented presence indicates a strong determination to be carrying through, no matter what, with whatever in which we most deeply believe, and is therefore an important antidote to ever giving in, even when the going gets tough.

The Sabian symbols for this 
First Quarter Moon are encouraging. They are, for the Sun in the 27th degree of Capricorn, "A mountain pilgrimage;" Marc Edmund Jones refers to "unquestioned devotion to [the] worth-while task at hand," and calls this symbol an emblem of "intensification of every vision to which intelligence might aspire." For the Moon in the same degree of Aries, we find the mysterious and subtle: "Lost opportunity regained in the imagination." Jones enlarges upon this image, as "the psychological maturity of [humankind] on the practical side of life, the all-important and creative fluidity of character which makes [of us] immortal beings." Indeed, in these days of relative adversity, attitude is everything. With positivity on our side and trust in our process, when we sense worthwhile struggle we try all the harder to make significant progress. And when we run up against hardships, we can treat them as opportunities for finding inner strength.