Wednesday, September 21, 2016

"It's In the Stars", by Valerie Greene

Wow... As the planet Mercury begins its normal forward direction, on Sept. 22, 2016 at 1:30 AM, EDT. It looks like the planets will have us on a bit of a roller coaster ride for the next few days!
You see the Sun, just entering Libra, is also happening on Sept 22, at 10:21 AM, EDT! 
 Giving us our first official day of fall, called "Autumnal Equinox"! Those two very important happenings, set cycles that will be with us for awhile. And would be enough to shake things up a bit.
 But the very next day, on Sept 23, at 10:51 AM EDT the planet of love, that also rules our finances, Venus, will begin its yearly trek in the sign of Scorpio! 
 Then just three days latter, on Sept 26, the heavy disruptive planet Pluto, will go direct again, at 11:02 AM EDT after back tracking since April 13, 2016.
Adding more change to this Astrological brew! The slower moving planet of energy and passion, Mars, will enter the sober sign Capricorn the next day,  on Sept 27, at 4:07 AM.EDT!
 Oh my! I know you must be thinking? what does all this mean to me? How to cope? And what to watch out for?
First off, remember that when the planet Mercury first changes direction, going direct or retrograding it is the most disruptive. So use extra patience when dealing with communication, or traveling! And if you can, do not make any important decisions or signing of important papers...
Second: The season of Fall begins....with a Gemini moon, also giving another tie to communication glitches. Guard against getting pulled into arguments! True for all signs to be careful of, but most significant to the
 signs of Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, and Virgo to keep in mind.
Third: Venus newly into Scorpio? Begins with a harmonist trine to the moon that day! Helping the water signs to have new romantic and financial opportunities, until Oct. 17, They are the signs of Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces.
Fourth! Pluto direct...brings things to the surface at last that have been brewing and on hold! The first few days of Pluto moving forward, will be news worthy for sure! With a few surprises?
 Lastly...the fifth Astro change in 6 days....
The planet Mars changing signs into Capricorn?
Not easy time to avoid arguments and accidents for the first few days of its cycle.
 Slow down and think! Mars in cool Capricorn will tangle with the Sun in peace loving Libra! Leading to bruised egos and fool hardy behavior that can bring violence. keep safety in mind, do not get baited into arguments.
True for all sun signs but most important for the signs of Aries, Libra, and Cancer to remember!
Yes, an Astrological roller coaster few days! But for warned is for armed! Now you will have a heads up, to make it an easy ride after all!
Happy safe Autumn, everyone!

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