Monday, March 7, 2011

As we begin our work week, Monday, March 7, 2011...Our fiery enthusiastic attitude might not be enough to give us the desired expected results!

So if you find your Monday fighting with bad timing, which could even make you late for work? You can just....

"Blame it on the stars"!

Yes, due to an early morning negative aspect from the moon in the fire sign of Aries, to the planet of restriction, Saturn. We can get ourselves into mixed messages, and all kinds of aggravations, coming though things, that are just out of our control? Making a day that is hard to plan, and get things accomplished.

Patience... and not allowing others behavior, to pull you into discord is your best defense!

Tuesday March 8, 2011... a moon Neptune aspect in the morning...can give us lucky, innovating ideas!

A Planet Pluto, Venus aspect, that will be with us all day on Tuesday, brings strong emotions! So... try to set your day's trend in the morning hours...using your energy and intuition towards new accomplishments.

And avoid emotional controversy that is likely to cool down by itsself in a few days.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011, again the morning hours are astrologically significant in setting a negative day's trend?

However, if your wise enough to not let your emotions get the best of you in the morning on Wednesday, it is very possible that Wednesday could be your most productive one, all week!

With extra attention to your finances and personal relationships really paying off! Because Wednesday, March 9, 2011 begins the planets Mercury's cycle in the energetic fire sign of Aries. Which will be giving us all more energy and assertiveness for the next 67 days!!!!

Which is an extra long time for Mercury to be in a sign. Nice to have Aries Mercury... that rules spring with us that long! Due to its retrograde motion at the end of month.

Thursday, March 10, 2011, practical concerns take up our thoughts. Perhaps helping you towards getting those taxes done... or future travel plans made. However, get things like that accomplished during the daylights hours. Because by 7:00 p.m. EST the tendency to dream, can throw the practical side of you, out the window!

Friday, March 11, 2011, a 7:00 a.m. positive Gemini moon, Mercury, aspect... can give us all a needed lift. Especially helpful to the fire and air signs of Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Also Friday, is an important day...because it is the last day of the planet Uranus, cycle in the sign of Pisces... that has been with us since March 11, 2003. And therefore helping you to complete the cycle of sensitivity in how we express our desire for freedom and independence ... or even the tendency towards suffering in silence!

Saturday, March 12, 2011 ... is a most astrologically IMPORTANT day!

Because it begins a new cycle for the planet of individuality Uranus...that will be with us for the next 7 years!!!

How has your life changed in the last seven years? Lots of changes in the way you view your life I'll bet, since March 2003?

But with Uranus entering Mars ruled Aries...for the next 7 years...our changes can be very abrupt and energetic! Giving us all more drive, toward new ways of expressing our individuality.

Especially if your sun sign is Aries, Libra, Cancer, or Capricorn? But all signs will be effected... with change in how we exert our independence... coming from Uranus in the sign of Aries... that will be with us through 2018.

Sunday, March 13, 2011 is a day that will need to be tempered with caution! All the new Aries, fire, and enthusiasm, from the planets Mercury, Jupiter, and Uranus newly into Aries...will be conflicted by our emotional water, Cancer moon. Water and fire? Steam!

So please, slow down, and try not to over react to possible family emotional discord...that might lead to unnecessary dangerous disputes!

Careful... everyone!

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