Sunday, February 27, 2011

A powerful Pluto, Jupiter aspect, that colored our beliefs and judgement over the past weekend is still with us as our work week begins and ends this month of February, 2011

So when you find that, the amount of desires that you have towards accomplishments, does not match what is actually available to you this Monday, Feb. 28, 2011. You can just...

"Blame It On The Stars"!

It is true, our work week begins, with strong desires... increased from a moon, Venus conjunction. And that, by itself, in the hard working sign of Capricorn, as it is this Monday... makes us more ambitious about seeking out, what it is...that we really desire!

However, accompanying that conjunction... is a greater astrological aspect, affecting judgement...coming from a negative Jupiter, Pluto, square.

And that is why, our day will require, more thought and planning in order for you to remember it, as a truly good, safe and productive one.

Things to watch out for the most... is carelessness, causing fire or accidents! Or overspending? Like falling victim to your emotions... that later, with clearer thinking, you would not sign up for?

True for all sun signs to keep in mind. But most important for the signs of... Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, and Libra to remember.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011, Happy new month everyone! Our month begins with the planet Venus, that rules our love lives and finances completing its stay in the sign of Capricorn...which has been with us since Feb. 4, 2011.

Therefore, you may find this Tuesday, that you too are finishing up a cycle of your own? Even if its just completing the phase of being less active, pursuing your heart desires?

We can also benefit this Tuesday, with a heightened creativity! As a good aspect from the planet of invention Uranus, to Venus, will help you to be more imaginative, inventive and risk taking.

And our Aquarius moon on Tuesday, just adds to that tendency. Helping all suns signs, to want to break from routine...but especially true, for the air signs of Aquarius, Gemini and Libra.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011, we welcome the planet Venus into the air sign of Aquarius, that will be with us until March 27, 2011. This will change how we express our feelings and can even help to free up those pent up emotions, that we often experience in winter.

It is sure to make you want to try something new, and that is why Wednesday, could be one that your emotions lead you towards, a new profitable or personal desire? Helping the fire and air signs the most. Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Libra, Aquarius, Gemini.

Thursday, March, 3, 2011, a moon Neptune conjunction around 9:00 a.m. EST can give us strong intuition, but can also cause cloudy judgement... making our imagination work overtime. Therefore taking your time if you need to make an important decision would be wise.

Thursday completes the moon's phase too, which is a great time to phase out something of your own? Like something that you want to put a stop to in your life? The waning moon helps to end it!

Friday, March 4, 2011, is a day that you want to plan out, if possible? Because the moon and sun will meet again. Called New moon, the time of new beginnings! All sun signs can benefit if they are in step with the right timing of doing things that they want to get off to a positive new start!

And that timing in the EST zone, is at 3:46 PM. on Friday March 4, 2011.

So if you can, make that the time of the day on Friday, to be your point of actions... creating a cycle that you want to continue and expand for the whole month, with a positive push for growth.

Saturday, March 5, 2011, we began our day feeling a little sensitive, from a Pisces moon Mercury conjunction.

But sleeping late and doing favors for others can put you in a brighter mood, for fun and breaking routine, on Saturday night.

Sunday, March 6, 2011, the moon's change into the fire sign of Aries, makes us want to be more active. However, we may have a difficulty doing anything moderately, from a moon Jupiter conjunction, in negative aspect to the planet Pluto.

That means that your judgement might be off... so being alert, and cautious minded, is the best way to have a safe and fun Sunday!

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