Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011, a nice way to began our work week!

I am happy to say that the stars are cooperating some... with the moon in the nurturing and loving water sign of Cancer.

However our Monday this week... can also bring us feelings of being a little depressed and controlled too much by others actions... making us feel pulled between what we think should be, verses how it actually is?

So, when your Valentine, seems a bit preoccupied instead of showering you with can just

"Blame It On The Stars"!

If you live in the EST zone...your day for sweethearts, begins with a 7:00 a.m. square aspect...from the moon to the expansive planet Jupiter...bringing high expectations and the possibility of bad judgement!!! So being alert and patient Monday morning, would be your best course of action, for all sun signs to remember.

Later on Monday afternoon, the moon and planet Pluto, are in opposition...making us overreact to what others are doing. Or what we think, they should be doing? Stay neutral, and you can hopefully end the day, on a positive... life is good, Valentines day is fun, attitude!

Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2011...again, our day begins with a negative square aspect! But this time... to the planet that can really sour our mood and make us serious...the planet, Saturn!

Which is why your Tuesday morning needs more caution, in order not to be late for work, or just awaken on the wrong side of the bed feeling cranky? True for all sun signs but most important for the signs of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries and Libra to remember.

Also Tuesday, a planet Neptune, Sun conjunction, will make it difficult all day... to see what is REAL! Not only will we all, be inclined towards some fantasy, but we might even fall victim to anothers unreliable plan? So caution is advised when making commitments on Tuesday...they might be real, but will you want to keep to them in the future?

Wednesday Feb. 16, 2011...a Leo moon gets us out of our emotional rut! And with its positive aspect to the enthusiastic planet Jupiter, I make it my pick of the week as best day to feel good and get the most accomplished! All sun signs can benefit...but in particular the fire and air signs of...Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, (fire) Gemini, Libra, Aquarius (air)

Thursday Feb. 17, 2011...just on the brink of a full moon we are back to allowing those emotions to rule!

As we want to move forward, but feeling pulled about opposing forces again, dictates and causes indecision!!!

It is the moon and planet Mercury opposition, late Thursday afternoon EST... doing this to you. Try to see the good coming from others? But remember it is you that has...and should have, the final decision!

Friday, Feb. 18, 2011...begins with a full moon at 3:37 a.m. EST, and you were already feeling it effects strongly last night? Not an easy time to sort out your true feeling, with Friday still keeping with that trend.

However, even more now on are likely to feel an extra need to relate well to those important personal relationships. As a calmer more thoughtful attitude prevails, from our Virgo, earth moon.

Make it work for you, by digging out the fact, on what could make better communication, with those that matter most to you?

Saturday, Feb. 20, 2011, we welcome the Sun into the sign of Pisces, that will be with us until March 20. So this Saturday we are also beginning the last month of Winter!

Gosh that sounds good! Our last month of winter, starts out with a moon, planet Uranus opposition, along with a Mercury, Neptune conjunction...which can give us an unpredictable day? But that does not have to mean bad? If you can allow yourself to be flexible and keep to... an open, realistic... try something new, attitude all day on Saturday, you may find Saturday quite fun?

Sunday, Feb. 21, 2011, it would be wise, to continue looking at what you are leaping into very carefully? Because the need to do things fast, will be very strong, all day on Sunday. It is the Planet Mercury conjunct, to the Planet of passion, and energy Mars...that can have you, leaping into trouble!!!

So be sure to take your time in everything you do on Sunday, so that you can avoid accidents, arguments and hasty behavior that you will later regret...that way your actions wont spoil what could be a fun weekend!

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