Sunday, February 20, 2011

Are you letting a dark mood get the best of you as you begin our holiday, Monday?

If that is a "yes," feeling more serious on this President's Holiday, Monday... you can just ...

"Blame It On The Stars"!

When the moon in a loving easy going sign, like Libra, comes into a conjunction aspect, to the planet of restriction, and learning, Saturn... as it is this Monday, February 21, 2011 ... at around 7:00 a.m. EST, we tend to only see what is lacking!!!

And unfortunately, that is not all that is happening in our stars to make our holiday Monday, seem serious and restrictive! A change in sign for our planet of thought Mercury, into the sign Pisces, increases our sensitivity...

and the planet that rules our love lives and finances, Venus, makes a negative square aspect to the moon and Saturn!!! All adding to why your feeling restricted and wishing that life's bounties weren't so difficult to obtain?

Or is it, that you just feel cold and aloof to what usually makes you smile? All sun signs are affected, but the signs of Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn, are the most likely to notice a lack of enthusiasm, all day on Monday.

Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2011, is like a breath of fresh air for all sign signs!

Not only do we gain the benefit of the moon's sign change...but it's new influence, harmonizes to the more significant change in sign, to the planet of communication, Mercury... that will be with us in Pisces, until March 6, 2011.

So begins a time when your thoughts become more intuitive...helping all signs to be more compassionate too. However this is particularly true for the Water signs of Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio.

Also on Tuesday this week, we will wind down the cycle of the planet of energy Mars, in it's stay in the freedom loving sign of Aquarius. This can signal a desire to make one last push in effort towards...

completing projects that YOU, might have been working on, since Jan. 16, 2011?

Especially if you are an air or fire sign... Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, (air)... Leo, Sagittarius, Aries, (fire) All making Tuesday my pick for best day of the week to get the most accomplished!

Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2011, a new position for the planet Mars, begins a more selective, secretive, and sensitive way of expressing our energy... Coming from the planet Mars, newly into Pisces that will be with us, until May 2, 2011.

However, Wednesday's moon, in introspective fixed Scorpio, we will tend to be looking at our hidden passions, and may not be feeling very demonstrative... making Wednesday a good one for some behind the scenes activities and research? Most helpful for the water signs of Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces.

Thursday, Feb 24, 2011, waking early with an intuitive, lucky thought or hunch? Or did you over sleep? And now, could be late for work?

Not the easiest day to go as planned! And the well know saying...

"It is the early bird that gets the worm", really applies!!!

Because after 8:00 a.m.EST things get tough...with our fire Sagittarius moon, in difficult aspect, most of the the planet Mars...the planet Mercury...and the Sun. Making us more susceptible to arguments, misuse of energy, causing... accidents, snarled communications, and aggravating mix ups. Slow down, and be alert!

Friday, Feb. 25, 2011, the Pisces Sun, conjunct the planet Mercury, gets us up and out, wanting to communicate...but pay attention to details!!!

Making yourself clear is important, all day on Friday... because, when the sun which is authority...can be too bright and controlling for your ego... you're thinking can be cloudy.

However, the fire moon, on Friday will be in a more positive aspect to Saturn...also helping... to liven our moods, lighten our step... and just in time to plan out a good and productive weekend!

A sudden desire for fun Friday night, can produce a good mood on Saturday morning!

A few unexpected snags on Saturday afternoon, calls for being as flexible and open mined as possible...because the moon and the planet that rules the unexpected, Uranus.. conflict at around 1:00 p.m. EST...which could ruin a good, Saturday.

Sunday, Feb.27, 2011...ends our weekend on a positive...but finding yourself wanting to be involved with more serious endeavors are likely. All due to a Capricorn Moon.

So Make that moon... work for you! As a practical, methodical, approach... helps you to get things accomplished, that you have been wanting to get done...and in the future, really feel good about doing!

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