Sunday, February 6, 2011

I am happy to say that astrologically speaking... our work week begins with a positive punch!!!

So if you are wondering why your Monday, Feb. 7, 2011, began with a feeling of extra, energy? You can just...

"Blame It On The Stars!"

It is true, that our fire moon and the planet Jupiter both stationed in Aries, in a early a.m. conjunction, Monday, could have put you in a go getter mood? And all sun signs can benefit!

With the signs of Aries, Leo, Sagittarius... (fire signs)... Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius (air signs)... feeling its positive boost the most.

However, with Monday's also extra positive aspect... from the planet of energy Mars... to the planet that rules restriction, Saturn...

I make Monday, Feb. 7, 2011, my pick the best day of the week... for all signs to get the most accomplished, and have the enthusiasm to complete your planned projects!

Tuesday, Feb. 8, 2011, enthusiasm still reigns with our Aries moon...but that extra push could be curtailed a bit due to a Moon Saturn opposition, that might put you in the middle of something unpleasant?

So try to be aware when others are trying to persuade you to be involved with something that might have hidden and difficult complications!

In other words, look carefully...before you leap into anything all day on Tuesday. True for all sun signs...but most important to Aries, Libra, Capricorn, and Cancer, to keep in mind.

Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2011, our general mood changes, as the moon enters the slower more cautious sign of Taurus, at around 6:22 a.m. EST, and a planet Venus, Pluto conjunction helps us to weed out our true feelings...all making us move slower, with more thoughts about practical matters, and the outcome of our actions!!!

For some, like the earth signs of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn... that can work out well, as prudence with their spending, and careful planning around their romantic ties can pay off in the future.

But the signs of Leo, Aquarius, and Scorpio...a feeling of being pulled and controlled by others Wednesday, could test out their temper... making their Wednesday, seem complicated, and difficult.

Thursday, Feb.10, 2011, the Taurus moon still dictates to our more practical concerns...with us trying to balance the budget and make realistic future plans...

but patience will be the key for the day, for all signs are likely to suffer a bit... from delays and plans that just can't seem to be made...or completed?

Friday, Feb.11, 2011, confusion is the tendency...with our loving Taurus moon, making us want more than can actually be delivered! So be aware that what seems possible, on Friday... could be very different than what appears right now in your imagination? It is just the moon, planet Neptune, square aspect...that is making you susceptible to deception?

Saturday, Feb. 12, 2011, a Gemini moon will lift our sprits, just in time to bail out our weekend, as a good one!!!

And all signs will gain a lift from wanting to be more social, outgoing, and positive all day on Saturday...and in fact, just the right, moon in good aspect, to the Sun, and the planet of passion Mars...right into, Sunday, Feb. 13, 2011...

putting us in a great frame of mind to think about showing our love and affection, on Sunday all day...and for making our Valentine's day on Monday, a special one! Enjoy!!!

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