Sunday, March 27, 2011

Our work week begins with a strong desire to overthrow any kind of restriction!

Monday, March 28, 2011, our Aries Sun, squaring the planet of endings Pluto, along with a Jupiter Saturn, Opposition...and you are likely to experience some unsettling feelings... as you seem to want more control...but are afraid of it, at the same time.

Be cautious, but persevere as you push against restrictions. That persistent sudden desire in going after, needed change?

You can just... "Blame It On The Stars"!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011, the intense desire for doing things independently, lessons!

In fact, we become a whole lot more reasonable. All due to a positive influence from the Aquarius moon to Saturn, and Jupiter. Helping us all... to be more aware of what is really good in our lives. And what we need to do, to keep it that way!

Making Tuesday, my pick of the week, for achieving our day's we are more easily appeased, positive and realistic!

True for all signs, but particularly so... for the fire and air signs of...Aries, Libra, Sagittarius, Gemini, Leo, and Aquarius.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011, has an enthusiastic dreamy quality to it. With the planet Mercury almost standing still, as it prepares to start its retrograde cycle...we will have an extra bonus from an innovating Aquarius moon, to that Aries Mercury, early in the morning.

Giving us all a good start to our day, from 6:00 a.m. EDT.

Later in the day... just before 3:00 p.m., a moon conjunction to Neptune, brings those dreamy ideas to the surface and helps us with our intuition.

The dreamy atmosphere continuing into the evening... when the moon changes, also into sensitive, dreamy, Neptune, ruled Pisces!

Though your energy may be a bit subdued, from the changing Mercury almost retrograde...and moon, sign change. Wednesday too, looks mostly like a winner. Especially when it comes to using your emotional intuitive side.

Thursday, March 31, is the last day of March, 2011. The planet of communication Mercury, appears to be almost standing it begins a 24 day cycle, of moving backward. Which gives us once again a period of time...from March 30, 2011, until April 23, 2011, that we seem to be moving backward too, called a retrograde Mercury.

Why is that? Because Mercury is the planet that rules our thoughts and decisions. And when it is in retrograde direction... we back track too, often changing our minds. Mercury also rules anything that has a motor.

So expect the next three weeks, might be somewhat frustrating? Because this is, the most likely time, for the car and those appliances that have been just limping along, to now completely break down!

Also a time, you will need extra care with anything involving communication! With all kinds of mix ups, and glitches...where it seems you are having to do everything, over? This effects all sun signs, unless you are one of those that was born with the planet Mercury in Retrograde?

If that is so, for you? This is the time period... that you can now move forward, and feel at last, that your decisions will be kept!

Friday, April 1, 2011... Do not play the fool, as we begin this new month. The Pisces moon still at the helm of our day, will continue to push us towards a very sensitive, dreamy, mood.

The kind of mood that will help you, use your imagination, on those April fools day pranks, successfully!!! Just try to be aware that you could be your own willing victim, if you let yourself believe the impossible all day on Friday.

Saturday, April 2, 2011, our weekend gets off to a very active perhaps abrupt start!

For three reasons. Firstly, the planet that rules action, and energy, Mars, enters the energetic fire sign of Aries, just 51 minutes after midnight, EDT. This placement for Mars, will bring more energy and desire for activity, while it is in that sign, for the next 39 days!

Secondly, the moon enters the sign of Aries, too, Saturday morning at 7:16 a.m.EDT, giving us an extra push of force, towards our passions, and energy!!!

And then thirdly and the most the aspect that, the planet Mars will be making to the planet of disruption, innovation, and freedom, the trigger moon co-joins both Mars and Uranus!

How all this effects us, could be quite startling? From small, unexpected annoyances... like awaking Saturday morning with a bad headache, due to Friday night's over indulgences? To unexpected out of the norm news, from far away?

Whatever the case, Saturday starts a new cycle, that will have it's effects on us for some time? Try to use Saturday's extra energy and enthusiasm, on those new projects...with a careful, cautious eye. Staying flexible, and open to the unexpected, as possible?

Sunday, April 3, 2011...a significant trend continues... as we Welcome a new moon, at 10:32 a.m. EDT. But this new moon, will have it's down side!

Yes, that Sun, Moon conjunction, will also be in an Opposition, to the restrictive planet, Saturn, all day on Sunday! Perhaps making it difficult to stay in a positive mood? With aggravations and entanglements, that seem to come from others!

It is always important to remember, what we put in motion with a new moon, tends to stays with us all month. However, this warning for Sunday's activities, is extra imperative... if you want to increase the positive, good in your life?

But, with the planet Mars and Uranus in an uncomfortable conjunction, also all day on Sunday? It might not be easy, to keep to the status quo, to plan out your New moon day, productively? Patience flexabilty, and innovation is the key!

Happy, safe April 2011, everyone!!!

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