Monday, March 22, 2010

The changeable Gemini Moon today, ...can give us all the desire to break if you are feeling restless and even a little irritable...then you can... just, "Blame it on the Stars"!

What is happening in our solar system today, March 22, as our work week begins is... planetary aspects... giving us two distinct different energies...

Causing very different reactions!

On one hand, is a harmonious trine aspect to energetic Mars... which can encourages us to take the initiative... even if our plans aren't fully formed.

But, on the other hand, our emotions may feel timid ... to overcome obstacles... that we can now see, looming in our path? All coming from the Sun today...tensely opposing the restrictive, planet Saturn.

Instead of choosing between spontaneity and self-restraint, we need to balance our impulses with caution!

This warning would apply to all sun signs... through Tuesday... March 23.

However, most important for the sign of... Aries, Libra, Capricorn, Cancer, Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, and Virgo, to keep in mind.

Especially when it comes to feelings, and how we express them. If we want these next few days to be productive and safe.

The most dangerous hours for disruption, and feeling the need to break free from routine today, March 22.... would be evening hours... between 6 and 11 PM.

And then March 23... the early morning hours between 4 and 8 A.M. can be Tuesday's most difficult ..

Yes, due to our moon's early morning change... into the sensitive home loving sign of Cancer, in a negative aspect to the restrictive planet, Saturn and our energetic Aries, Sun....

Tuesday's morning hours will require extra patience, and caution! Also try to avoid being pulled into discord, and danger through the outside pressure from others.

Wednesday March 24, we are likely to experience frustration around the home front. Especially during the hours of 8:00 AM to... 5:00 PM, with the most disruptive ones... to avoid domestic disputes, and unnecessary spending... would be between 3:00 - 4:00 PM.

Thursday March 25, our moods should improve with the moon's entrance into the fun loving Fire sign of Leo! In fact Thursday.... is the pick of the week, to get a lot accomplished!

That more positive mood starts early morning Thursday... and can last right through Friday...putting us in a better fame of mind for the weekend.

Also giving us a positive push... to have fun with friends.... and many new relationships can be formed through being... more assertive...especially on Friday!

This positive romantic spring energy ....coming from our Leo positive aspect... to the planet of love, on Friday, March 26... can be helpful for all express their more energetic, emotions....

But the signs of Scorpio, and Taurus might need to wait until Saturday and Sunday...March 27, and 28, to feel, that need to express... or find that emotional lift?

Yes, coming from a more suitable earth moon.... of Virgo. Saturday morning, the earth and water signs of.... Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn, Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer...will have their turn at getting in the mood for a more fun filled weekend...from feeling more energetic, and healthy.... to finding a new job, or friend?

And then.... hopefully completing this first full week of Spring 2010...seeing it as a good, and productive one... for all sun signs!

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