Sunday, April 10, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011, That dark frustrating feeling that could be your morning companion?

You can just..."Blame It On The Stars"

Yes, Monday, April 11, 2011...the planetary aspects that were disturbing our thoughts and emotions over the weekend...continue... perhaps with even more dramatic results?

What is happening is... a difficult fire, water, combination! Sun and planets in fire signs... and Moon in Water sign.

It is true that the Sun and planets... Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, and Uranus, are all in the energetic Fire sign of us a fiery, lets get things done attitude!

However, Monday's moon in the water sign of Cancer... puts out that fire... which can give us a battle between our inner and outer worlds!

And that is why you may find Monday to be aggravating and emotional! Especially if you are a water or fire sign? Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, (water) Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.(fire) But All signs would be wise to slow down and look carefully before taking action. Poor Judgement and a desire for control, brings misuse of energy!!!

The planets Pluto and Mars, in negative aspect all day, also on Monday... can cause sudden unnecessary endings. Look before you leap! Do not burn your bridges.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011, egos are still riding high, but things are likely to go much smoother. Due to the moon's change away from the emotional water sign, into a complimenting fire sign, of Leo.

All sun signs can benefit...making Tuesday a day to get things accomplished, or to set things in motion, to do so.

Wednesday, April 13, my pick of the week to be the most harmonious and productive! The fire Leo moon on Wednesday, gives us the get up and go signal, with its positive aspect to the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter, we even feel lucky!

Thursday, April 14, 2011... a more reserved attitude give us pause for thought. Call it the Virgo moon. We now want to be more detailed and cautious. A Good influence to help you complete those tax returns.

Friday, April 15, 2011...our Virgo moon continues to makes us more thoughtful and interested in sharing information. However, the planet Mercury as the moon's ruler on Friday, being retrograde...could cause frustrating delays due to mistakes and communication mix ups.

Saturday, April 16, 2011... our weekend begins and ends with a Libra moon. Which lends itsself nicely towards wanting peace and harmony.

Wonderful for getting out, and being with loved ones.

And in fact, is the key toward the whole weekend! The total full moon being Sunday night at, 10:55 PM.

Remember a Libra moon is ruled by the love planet Venus, and is the best moon, for love relationships, old and new!

So this is not a weekend to spend alone...get out and enjoy!

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