Monday, April 25, 2011

Positive Planetary aspects, can help us to begin our work week, in a more up-beat, mode!

So when you find Monday, April, 25, 2011 as a day of getting things accomplished? You can just...

Blame It On The Stars!

Nice to see at last that our stars are more balanced towards the positive for a change.

And in fact, this Monday's Air, Aquarius moon, ignites the fire Aries Mercury... that is finally moving forward again, helping us to want to finish up those stalled projects and straighten out those communications snags!

Add the planet Mars, also in Aries, in positive, aspect to the moon, and the planet Saturn in Air sign Libra? And you have a day that can really be put to good use. Creativity and luck can be with you as well as opportunity coming to you through others.

True for all sun signs, but most practicually for the fire and air signs... Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Libra, Gemini, Aquarius.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011, the positive continues into the morning hours. With so much of tendency to be on the go, for Tuesday morning, that judgment needs to be tempered with caution. Too much of a good thing can make you careless, bringing unnecessary losses.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011... the trend we are in the last quarter, of the moon's phase, with a rather difficult aspect from the planet Venus, ruling our love ties, and our pocket books... to the planet Pluto, that rules disruptions, like endings! Sound complicated?

It can be! From explosive emotions bringing break-ups and angry fights, accidents, and danger with sudden endings?

Also possible losses of our valuables on Wednesday? So Slow down and count to ten, before you rush to any decision that rules your heart or your money!

Thursday, April 28, 2011 the Pisces moon will increase your intuition, but it can also make you more sensitive. So what is it that your inner self is telling you? You might have an inner hunch that could be profitable? Or is it a sudden need to do something nice to help those less fortunate?

Friday, April 29, 2011...An Aries moon Around 9:00 AM EDT...will give you an extra edge towards being very energetic, but also a very strong desire to break routine, and use your ingenuity? Or is a restlessness, that makes you want to take a long weekend?

Whatever it is, that gets your attention on Friday morning... it can set the trend for the entire weekend!

Saturday, April 30... as we say goodbye to April 2011...we will want to be busy...Aries moon rules! Gardening, shopping, entertaining all is possible and can be highlighted for your whole weekend.

Any activity that needs enthusiasm and lots of wonderfully helped by the Aries moon... as it gets a big boost to the lucky planet Jupiter on Sunday morning...May 1, 2011! What a great way to begin a new month!!! planning some extra fun activities!!!

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